Saturday, January 14, 2012

Cutest Couples

i know i know im taking an awful long time, im soooo sorry but i just cant seem to sit down and write the story, i dont know why i cant write it, i feel so lazy. I promise to post the new story soon but how soon i dont know.

i just want to share with you guys my favorite couples in tv shows, starting from least up to most:

1 - chuck and sara - from chuck
2 - rachel and finn - from glee
3 - spencer and toby - from pretty little lairs
4 - cassy and adam- from the secret circle
5 - nikita and michael - from nikita
6 - teddy and henry - form greys anatomy
7 - thayer and char - from the lying game (they arent a couple but i really want them to be)
8 - emmet and bay - from switched at birth
9 - sean and alex - from nikita
10 - marty deeks and kensi - from NCIS LA

channing tatum and jenna dewan (cutest married couple ever)

my stories are inspired from these couples. Right this moment im working on 3 stories, i know i know  i didnt post any, but my mind is so jumbled up that i keep writing pieces for every story and non of them is complete and i still dont have an ending for any of them, so bare with me.

Please wait, and dont get your hopes up but the plan so far is 3 more stories then god know what happens to my blog so bare with it ok. im so sry for the wait, i know how it is to wait, i read blogs and wait alot so im sorry it is too much to wait but i promise the stories will be good :)