Part 43
Getting ready for her date, one of many which she loved very much. But this time it was a little different. Mohammed has finally said that he loved her for those 3 months time that they were dating in. He didn't rush her into replying or saying it back, he just waited. He loved her too much to push her into anything.
Mohammed: ready?
Shaikha: just a second
She was applying mascara and he stood behind her watching her.
Shaikha: dont stare at me, I get distracted
Mohammed: your perfect the way you are, no need for all that (he gestured with his hands)
Shaikha: its just makeup, I have to make the other guys jealous
Mohammed: you mean make the other girls jealous being with me
Shaikha just laughed, what else would she do when he was this charming
Mohammed: I lov...
Shaikha: you can say it, I wont stop you, I know I don't say it back its just-
Mohammed: I'm sorry, I didn't want to push it
Shaikha's point of view:
What is the matter with me? Many girls dream of having a man like mohammed, he is perfect in every way. And he loves me, he loves me. Why can't I say it. I love having him around I love it when he takes me out and love it when he takes care of me.
If it was a month earlier 7sain would be in some girl's apartment taken full advantage of her drunken self but not this time. He was with some friends, yes in a club but he was the only one with no alcohol in his system. He just needed to take things out of his mind.
It was a good night so why not take it for granted. As he was walking to bar to get some more cola and alcohol for the others he bumped into a very familiar face
Tracy: no alcohol I see
7sain: got tried of that none sense
Tracy: but still hang out in a bar?
7sain: a guy's gotta hangout
Tracy: you can take me home and hangout
7sain: that ship has sailed
Tracy: she really got to you
With that she walked away. Anything of what she said never got to 7sain, he knew that what she said was always the truth.
He came out of the shower with a towel rummaging through the laundry basket looking for his shirt
Fatima: my skirt, nsait wain 7a6ait’h
Bader: gtlch etyeebeen kilaa a3raa’9ch ehnii
Fatima: yeah bs ba3dian sho 3n hind? ma7b yoom etkoon 3nd umai, martaa7 o mafi mkaan 7agna n7n el ethnain
Mohammed: ready?
Shaikha: just a second
She was applying mascara and he stood behind her watching her.
Shaikha: dont stare at me, I get distracted
Mohammed: your perfect the way you are, no need for all that (he gestured with his hands)
Shaikha: its just makeup, I have to make the other guys jealous
Mohammed: you mean make the other girls jealous being with me
Shaikha just laughed, what else would she do when he was this charming
Mohammed: I lov...
Shaikha: you can say it, I wont stop you, I know I don't say it back its just-
Mohammed: I'm sorry, I didn't want to push it
Shaikha's point of view:
What is the matter with me? Many girls dream of having a man like mohammed, he is perfect in every way. And he loves me, he loves me. Why can't I say it. I love having him around I love it when he takes me out and love it when he takes care of me.
If it was a month earlier 7sain would be in some girl's apartment taken full advantage of her drunken self but not this time. He was with some friends, yes in a club but he was the only one with no alcohol in his system. He just needed to take things out of his mind.
It was a good night so why not take it for granted. As he was walking to bar to get some more cola and alcohol for the others he bumped into a very familiar face
Tracy: no alcohol I see
7sain: got tried of that none sense
Tracy: but still hang out in a bar?
7sain: a guy's gotta hangout
Tracy: you can take me home and hangout
7sain: that ship has sailed
Tracy: she really got to you
With that she walked away. Anything of what she said never got to 7sain, he knew that what she said was always the truth.
Fatima was gathering her stuff looking for her grey skirt which she was sure that she left it at bader’s apartment but might left it at her house because of all the moving in and out.
Bader: sho yalsa edawreen?
He came out of the shower with a towel rummaging through the laundry basket looking for his shirt
Fatima: my skirt, nsait wain 7a6ait’h
Bader: gtlch etyeebeen kilaa a3raa’9ch ehnii
Fatima: yeah bs ba3dian sho 3n hind? ma7b yoom etkoon 3nd umai, martaa7 o mafi mkaan 7agna n7n el ethnain
Bader: adrii 7abeebti I will find a solution
Not that the money is tight, it actually got better recently since 9ager is going to university and of course on a scholarship. It is just that looking for a house takes time and much effort. He was too busy to do that. And Fatima wasn't really looking with him because they still weren't living in one roof. It was too complicated for the both of them. He feared that she didn't want to commit so he didn't pressure her and she didn't want to insist knowing the money situation, so they made do for now.
Fatima: don’t rush it, 3adi and I have a solution but your too stubborn to listen to me
Bader: baby, I cant live with you in YOUR house, you know that, ana elrayaal I'm suppose to provide the house not you, and besides its too far from my family
Fatima didn't pressure him more knowing that his pride won’t allow it. ‘Men’ is all she thought about.
Fatima: ok honey we will find a solution, ill be going now (she kissed him then left)
She wanted to live in the same house instead of moving here and there. It just that they moved fast without thinking of the living situation or anything else.
While driving she couldn't help but spot a house that was on sale. Somehow her car stopped and she parked to check it out. The house was white with an olive color rooftop. It was 2 floors containing 5 bedrooms a kitchen and a living room. To her it seemed like the perfect house. Small from the outside but spacious from the inside. That is when it hit her. She got out a card out for the owner and took one herself.
While driving she couldn't help but spot a house that was on sale. Somehow her car stopped and she parked to check it out. The house was white with an olive color rooftop. It was 2 floors containing 5 bedrooms a kitchen and a living room. To her it seemed like the perfect house. Small from the outside but spacious from the inside. That is when it hit her. She got out a card out for the owner and took one herself.