Saturday, June 30, 2012

Nothing Is As It Seems 2


He grabbed his jacket from the hanger and made his way out the house with his shades resting on his eyes which perfectly highlighted his jaw line. The phone started ringing it was his mom calling

7sain: la elaha elala mohammed rasool allah

Mom calling…

7sain: alo salam 3alaikm umai

Mom: wa3alaikm esalam, 7sain ana umk matzoorni ma tes2al 3ni

7sain: yal walda, ana as2al 3anch, bs msh’3ool eshway, et3arfeen edawaam entii

Mom: ya3nii edawaam aham mnii ana?

7sain: mafi shay aham mnch intii, entii elwalda el’3alya, walaeyhmch yayench elyoom ana

Mom: haih, o shaikha ya7lelha maeteenii nsaitow 3ani

7sain’s mom was found of shaikha ever since she started working for 7sain. She saw her as her own daughter the way shaikha worked with 7sain. She trusted her and loved her as her own.

7sain: walaeyhmch, ana bayeelch o bayeehba wiyayii

Mom: enzain ana batrayalkm

7sain: inshallah yal walda ana a7een w9lat eldawaam, bachoofch elyoom

He made his grand entrance and walked towards his office with 3 cups of coffees in his hand.

7sain: shaikhoo benmer 3ala elwalda elyoom

Shaikha: sho shaikhooo? Elnaas eysalmoon awal, n7n fil dawam lazm formal

7sain: seerii la, formal awan!

Bader: wa’a5eeran gahwa 3ashan netgahwa eshway

7sain: badoor benmer 3alwalda elyoom, betii?

Bader: haih ya7laila mn zman 3anha

Bader is 7sain’s close friend they have been friends since high school and became
very close. To 7sain bader was family and vice versa.

Shaikha: enzain 7asoon 3n elawraag ana ratabt'hm, bt I still think you need a secretary

7sain: 7asoon ha what happened to being formal, and no I don’t need a secretary, im fine the way I am

Bader: achoofkm wayed open entow, tarana fil dawam

Shaikha: chub int’h, o int’h (she turned to 7sain) mamenk fayda

Like any other day in the office it was hectic and busy with new projects every day. But the three managed to do it. Shaikha was in her office reading some papers when she glanced at the clock and saw it was 1:00 PM already.

Shaikha: ‘shit were late’

Her office was right next to 7sain’s. A wall with glass doors separating both offices from each other.

Shaikha: we are late, lets go wila 5alo betez3al 3alaina

7sain: enzain yalla, ill call bader in the car

Shaikha grabbed her sunglasses and over sized channel bag.

In the car…

7sain: ha badoor n7n a7een fi darb

Bader: enzain ana fi site elconstruction a7een basoog motari o bayeelkm

Shaikha: ok about the new deal-

7sain: shaikhoo n7n mob fil maktab 5ala9 take a break we are in the car now,
enough work for you

Shaikha: speaking of taking a break when was the last time you worked the whole day instead of partying?

7sain: we are speaking about you now, don’t change the subject, you’re a workaholic and im just normal

Shaikha: I know normal and you are far from normal!

7sain: bs la fkeena mn wayhch

Shaikha: 3ala kaifk int’h etramesnii chii, ba5aber 5alo

7sain: yahaal n7n!

Shaikha: FINALY we are here!

She got out of the car and ignored him, with the cake in her hand she walked to the house.

7sain: yal chalb’h teshrdeen mni

Shaikha: chub we are at your parents house

7sain met up with bader and went in to the house.

Shaikha went in first and announced that 7sain and bader are coming in. To all 3 of
their surprise 7sain’s whole family including his aunts, uncles and cousins were
there. Like any girls, the girls giggeled as 7sain and bader walked pass them to his grandparents and parents.

Maitha: hala shaikha sh7alch (with the most fake nice tone there is in history)

Shaikha: o hala maitha , ana eb5air sh7alch intii?

Maitha: im good, its so nice to see you again, mn zman 3nch ‘I finally get to see

Who is this maitha? And what is going on between her and bader stay tuned to find out in the next post.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Nothing Is As It Seems 1


Shaikha’s point of view:

My boss, some women my age complain about their bosses while some of them are just happy with their boss. For me it’s a bit more complicated than that, or is that what I think it is? Well you be the judge of that. Women complain if their boss was a woman. They complain that their boss is jealous of them for some reason or gives a hard time. While others say that if your boss is a man then it is much easier for you because your boss would understand your situation. For me it is the total opposite.

7sain: shaikha yalla elejtmaa3 byebda2 al7een o n7n ba3adna ma 7a9alna elawraag

Shaikha: elawraag kanaw wiyaak a5er mara

7sain: this office is messy, I cant find anything in it

Shaikha: and whos fault is it?

7sain ignoed her snarky comment and went the room where the meeting was going to be held. On the other hand shaikha was fussing about the messy office and that there were papers all over the place.

7sain: ba3adch ma7a9altii elawraag? 5ala9 3ayal ana baseer elmeeting hall o intii dawrii ehnii

Shaikha: wow im a secretary now?!

7sain: 3adi etdawreen a7een, 3gb estahblay

He rushed to the meeting hall while shaikha remained on the floor looking for the papers. This is actually an ordinary day in the office.

7sain was used to shaikha ever since she started working for his company.

Flashback: (4 years ago…)

7sain made his way to the office with a heavy heart, it was a Thursday night and he was stuck in the office interviewing young adults instead of getting drunk and taking advantage of the drunken whores in the club. That was his punishment for not taking his job seriously. His father is the chairman of the company and he wasn’t pleased with the work of what his son is doing so far. Recently events lead to misfortunes and the company wasn’t doing well so he tried his best to fix the problem. He would disappoint his dad several times over stupid things but this wasn’t going to one of them.  The solution to these misfortunes is to hire accountants and business consultants. Interviews were going on for business consultants to solve their financial problems. 7sain sat there over 7 hours listening to future employees but didn’t like any of them. He was slowly giving up until he saw shaikha enter the room. The first thought that popped in his head is what a young lady would be doing in a construction company. Since it is a construction company there were limited amount of female employees. She was wearing a skirt and white blouse. Her hair in a neat ponytail looking all professional. She was not 7sain’s type but he got the sense of her professionalism. He sensed that she would separate business from pleasure. Something that he never saw in a woman before. She introduced herself and started talking about herself.

7sain: if you don’t mind me asking, what brought you here?

Shaikha: I was working in other companies helping with decisions but all the other
companies were marketing advertising companies. So I wanted to make some changes try different type of companies

7sain: so you are the one who made Al X company billions of dollars?

Shaikha: yes but I wasn’t working officially with them, I was just a business consultant

7sain: you got the job

He walked out the meeting room and walked towards his office. While shaikha was standing there shocked at the fact that he just told her that she got the job. Another guy wearing a kandoora and 39ama, he looked about the same age as 7sain. The guy looked very traditional. At first shaikha thought he was an HR person, but he turned out to be a civil engineer. He spoke in Arabic without having eye contact with shaikha. He would speak and look at her face but not directly at her eyes in respect towards her.

Guy: intii shaikha Al X?

Shaikha: yes

Guy: ana bader, hathi elawraag, o inshallah betebdain mn bacher esa3a 7:00

It was the start of something. Shaikha wasn’t complaining it was time to be serious.

Present day:

Shaikha: aha found them

Bader: yalla shaikha elmeeting beyebda2 3gb eshway

Bader was the civil engineer of the company, there are engineers older than him and more experienced but he was talented which landed him the big deals.

Shaikha: enzain yayah taranii!

Bader: bismillah hadii

As usual shaikha ignored him and started walking to the meeting with confidence and head straight on.

Suits were coming out of the office with satisfied facial expressions.

Shaikha: that was a good meeting

7sain: we need to rearrange that office

Shaikha: yes we do

7sain: get started (he threw the keys at shaikha and walked away)

Shaikha: ‘that ass’

Bader: good luck with that

Both men walked away leaving her to do the cleaning. 7sain was an UNBELIEVABLE boss and she wondered why she didn't quite all these years after the hard time he gives her but nothing is as it seems.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Nothing Is As It Seems (on hold)

I know i haven't posted for 2 days including today. I have a good reason for that. my laptop ran out of charge and now the charger in not working and my stories are saved in my laptop. Sorry, until further notice my story will be on hold. So please wait for an update.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Nothing Is As It Seems Intro.


This story is going to be about being single, for both men and women. Single men and women in their mid twenties and reasons for each of them on being single. Basically their lives and of course its not what it seems.
Hope you like it…

Lets start with Shaikha:

A typical 25 year old workaholic. Nothing is more important to her that her job. Her job and family are her priorities. She never got married because she was to focused on her job that it was a condition to all the men who asked for her hand in marriage. Don’t get me wrong, not many asked for her hand only a few when she was 19 but she chose work and she stuck to it. She knew nothing else other than to work. A simple girl, climbing her way up making her career. And now she is the best at what she does and is wanted by most in her career field. But now even her younger sister is engaged to get married. Every choice has its consequences. As they say nothing is what it seems…


What to say about 7sain! What is there not to say? You watch those arrogant bastards in dramas. Yup you got it ladies a BAD BOY. Well boy is not a suitable for a 27 year old grown man. A player, yes ladies, a ladies’ man so watch out. A flirt that gets what he wants when he wants it. Everything he tried and had done already. Like most he is a filthy rich 27 year old that would throw his money anywhere. But don’t get me wrong he worked for his money but still it was practically his father’s money. As for his father an old hard working guy who got diagnosed of high blood pressure due to his large growing construction company. Therefore making 7sain to take over the position of decision making. The reason for him in not getting married is because he LOVES ladies. And at the end it always came to arranged marriages. He would eventually be forced into getting married to someone he barely knows. So why not have fun for now? But of course even people like 7sain have boundaries…


A man with high value of tradition and morals. He is a 27 years old hard working civil engineer. He comes from a little bit below average family. As you can say ‘he doesn't come from money’ as he grew up he was taught to work hard for he wants. Since his dad is a retiree and the government salary is not enough for providing for all his family. Bader took over the role of the provider. He put his 4 siblings into a private school for better education. He never got married knowing it will only add on the load. He just never thought of it and was not going until his situation becomes better. Don’t get me wrong his doing fine and his salary is good since he is working for 7sain but carrying a load of a family while not yet having a family of his own could be stressful. Even though he might seem perfect, there are some perks in being too uptight… 


An IT girl, the ultimate it girl. But of course every IT girl has a humble best friend, which was shaikha. Best friends have to be very different. It is how the world works. She is 25. A beautiful, sexy body woman that lives her life to the fullest and doesn't take shit from anyone. She comes from money but of course all the problems that rich family suffer from she does as well. A girl with a big spirit what could go wrong? Like I said nothing is as it seems…

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Back On Track

Hey readers

I know its been a long time since i posted and there are many of you whom are waiting for me to post. So I'm going to make it short and clear. I'll start posting starting on Monday Inshallah, when my schedule is free.

I'm going to stop Normal? and going to right a new story, you will know the details about it later on. I'm sorry about just stopping like that. The reason is that I was not feeling the story and it wasn't what I expected it to be. So this new story Inshallah will be better and more interesting. 

Heads up, anyone below 18 please read the description above each post of the new story because it is going to have some r- rated details. This time it is going to be different, and I hope you all enjoy it.

I'll post more details about it later with an introduction to the story and what it is about. So please look for it and I personally cant wait for you comments on it.

Thank you so much for being patient. And don't forget spread the word about my blog :)